Reverse Engineering of a BLE Bulb

I few months ago, I participated in the crowdfunding of a cheap Bluetooth Low Energy LED Bulb. Raised money was pitiful but project went ahead under a new name and I received my bulb anyway.

Concordia Bulb

If you ask me, the name "Con Bulb" sounds odd both in English or in French (not for the same reasons) but this is not the point here so let's move on!

The website provides a link to apps (iOS and Android) but nothing else. These apps sort of work but since there is zero documentation, it's hard to guess what some functions/buttons are. And obviously, no info about the protocol used.

After a bit of research, I found that the light was basically a TINT B730 by Shenzhen LEDE Technology. And that the API seems totally proprietary.

Android to the Rescue

New versions of Android (>=4.4) have a nice feature called Bluetooth HCI snoop log. First, you need to activate the Developer Options by taping 7 times on Build number in your settings.

Then by activating the option "Bluetooth HCI snoop log", all the Bluetooth traffic will be recorded in a file (in /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/btsnoop_hci.log on my phone running Lollipop).

This file can then be read with Wireshark on a computer.

Decoding the data

All commands sent to the bulb follow a similar pattern:

Example of BLE command with wireshark

For example here:


By matching the actions on the app to the BLE commands, I came up with a (incomplete but sufficient) list of commands.



The header seems totally static and always



The trailer seems totally static and always







White Reset


White Mode - Brightness


Where VV = Brightness between 02 and 0b

White Mode - Colour Temperature


Where VV = Colour between 02 and 0b

RGB Reset




Where RR, GG, BB are between 00 and FF

Preset/Memory mode


Where MM is a Preset mode:

Night Mode (Switches off after 20 minutes)


About RD & CS bytes

For example, for preset #1 (Red) with a random value of 0x88:

CS = (0B+01+01+88 + 1C) & FF = B1

And for White Reset with a random value of 0x05:

CS = (0D+06+02+80+80+80+80+80+05 + 1C) & FF = 2B6 & FF = B6

Testing from the command line

Using a Bluetooth 4.0 USB Dongle, it is now possible to control the light directly from the computer...

hciconfig hci0 up

hcitool lescan should return something like:

D0:39:72:BE:12:34 (unknown)
D0:39:72:BE:12:34 B730
D0:39:72:BE:12:34 (unknown)
D0:39:72:BE:12:34 B730

hcitool lecc D0:39:72:BE:12:34

gatttool -b D0:39:72:BE:12:34 --char-write-req -a 0x0021 -n aa0afc3a86010a010100280d

Python version

Using bluepy and a bit of Python, it is possible to control the light easily. Beware, the protocol is only partially implemented and communication is only unidirectional (computer to bulb) without waiting for any feedback. It might be a very bad idea to send commands at random (eg white temperature while in RGB mode) and/or too quickly.

Software can be found on github:


Other models of bulbs

It seems that reverse engineering of bulb is a popular sport these days. I found the following instruction for other models of lights:


This page is for informational purposes only... You assume total responsibility and use at your own risk!

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